NCDC22 Convergence Hour: Renewing our Purpose and Path - Dr. Trudy Arriaga

NCDC22 Keynote Speaker, Dr. Trudy Arriaga, challenges us to reflect if our actions mirror our values as we assess every day practices to include grading, homework, fundraisers, parent engagement, student discipline and beyond. The tools of Cultural Proficiency: barriers, guiding principles, continuum and essential elements will be modeled and demonstrated as a framework for equity and access. This inspirational video will help to develop a common vision to escort students and their communities through the open doors.


Dr. Trudy Arriaga

Leading Voice in Equity; Co-Author of Opening Doors: An Implementation Template for Cultural Proficiency


NCDC22 Opening Keynote: Bringing People & Relationships to the Forefront - Dr. Anthony Jackson


NCDC22 Convergence Hour: Leading with an Infinite Mindset - Dr. Jeffrey Booker