The Pathway from a Traditional to Modern Evaluation System for Teachers
Falcon Zone shares the process of going through the steps to reimagine and modernize the teacher evaluation system.Learn how to get teacher buy-in, motivate staff and overcome the challenges you will face along the way! This video is geared towards district and school-based leadership who are ready to begin thinking about modernizing teacher evaluation. Participants will be taken on Falcon Zone's journey to reimagine how to evaluate teachers. This modernized teacher evaluation is aligned with the work to personalized learning for all students and uses the Instructional Model as the foundation. Learn how to get teacher buy-in, motivate staff and overcome the challenges you will face along the way!
District 49, Falcon Zone
Bethany Stegman
Principal: Woodmen Hills Elementary
Sheehan Freeman-Todd
Principal: Meridian Ranch Elementary
Natalie Miller
Instructional Coach